Madness to our Methodists

Last night we did our little show at the Northridge United Methodist Church’s Jazz Vespers. A lot of friends from now and then showed up, and a wonderful time was shared by all. Since it's been a while since we played in public, and we were making up our setlist as we went along, there was a hint of nervousness among us, but having such a friendy audience did a lot to calm our nerves. 

We felt a lot better due to having Julia Waters and Bill Cinque there to sing when it was needed, and Alan Lindgren and the Larrys, Brown and Klimas did everything needed to make it feel good. It was great to have a group of people there who knew what to do when the red light came on. (What NOT to do, for example, it to sit in a window in Amsterdam.)

If you're interested in having a look at what went on, there is a video available for viewing by clicking this link: Please be non-judgmental—it was a free show, after all, One thing: the video begins a few minutes before we actually start playing, so feel free to exercise your fast forward finger if you wish.

They have inexplicably asked that we return and do it again, and we might just do that. As you might guess, I'll let you know.